Thursday, November 21, 2013

Adam's Rib

When my sister Diane was in grade school my father walked into the living room one day and found her sitting on the couch with one of the encyclopedia books in her lap. She was almost in tears.

When he asked her what was wrong, she told him that her science teacher, Mr. Hamilton, had been talking in class that day about creation and evolution. Mr. Hamilton didn’t believe in creation and he had told all of the kids to go home and get out their encyclopedias. They were to look up and see why men have one less rib than women. Of course she found out that men and women have the same number of ribs. Diane, being a child with a child’s mind, thought that disproved creation, since the Bible says that God took one of Adam’s ribs to create Eve. Diane was devastated. Of course that was the exact effect Mr. Hamilton was going for.

My father was a minister all of our lives. As a Christian he knew that he absolutely believed in creation. As an adult who had studied the Bible for many years, he knew exactly why he believed.

My father told my sister to go back to class the next day and ask Mr. Hamilton a question.

The next day in class, when Mr. Hamilton asked the children if they checked on the issue about the ribs they started saying that they found out that men didn’t have one less rib. Then Diane raised her hand and asked Mr. Hamilton if he had his appendix taken out would his sons be born without one. Mr. Hamilton got very angry and loudly snapped at my sister, “That’s not the point.”

Of course that was the point. The teacher was using logic that didn’t even make sense, but when you are dealing with children they can be easily fooled.

Thinking back on this incident is part of what inspired me to write my book, The Adventures of Little Chrisamee – Creation.

When we were young we had books that told the stories of the Bible. However, they didn’t answer any questions we might have about the stories.

In my book I tell the story of creation and also answer a lot of questions that people might throw at children trying to confuse them into believing in evolution. When you really understand creation, it makes total sense but you have to understand how God did it and why.

In my book, when Little Chrisamee, a little angel in Heaven watches creation as it happens, she asks God about things she doesn’t understand and He answers all of her questions. Adam’s rib being removed is one of the things she has a question about.

It used to be that in school you could hear about both creation and evolution. Children were allowed to make up their own minds. Now, creation is not allowed in school. The children aren’t given a choice as to what to believe. I am trying to give that choice back to them.

The book isn’t available right now, but will be available again in January 2014. I will let you know as soon as it is back.

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