Tuesday, February 11, 2014

That Olympic Drive

So, here I sit, watching the Olympics like so many other people. These athletes are pushing themselves beyond what seems humanly possible. How do they do it? Where did they get that drive to become the best in the world? Why haven’t I done that?

Seeing what they do makes me very proud, and, more than that, it keeps me humble.

If I had the kind of determination and dedication that I am seeing at the Olympics, I would have an entire library of published books. Everyone would know my name, and I would probably be a multi-millionaire.

On the other hand, I don’t want to be too hard on myself. After all, I have written quite a few poems, published a book, I am working on my second book, and have several other books in my head. When I was growing up, I had no idea I would do what I have done.

I picture my books being made into movies like the veggie tales. Little Chrisamee, the little angel in my stories, would be so cute running around in heaven, so excited about the things she sees through her window. She would have her talks with Father God where He explains why things happen the way they do. Maybe someday.

In the meantime, I belong to a writers group now called Quills of Faith. It is made up of Christian writers. Some of them have not published or even finished a book yet. Some have lots of books out there, selling like crazy. One has ghost written a few books for famous people. That must be difficult to write a book and have it be published with some celebrity’s name on it as the author, and get all the credit for what you wrote. But, that is part of the game.

I look at the other members of our group and see that they are just people like you and me. The successful ones have taken the initiative to learn to do what is needed to become successful authors.

I am trying to glean knowledge from them. They are such giving people, so ready to share all they know with the rest of us, whether we are proven authors, or just starting out.

One of the successful lady authors makes entire binders full of information on every book she ever writes. She actually has pictures of what her characters look like. She writes complete descriptions of them, their personalities, families, histories, where they live, and so on. The binder also explains what part they play in the story, what they are going to do, and why. From what I hear, these binders are really something to behold. At the meeting last night I asked her if she would bring a binder to the next meeting for us to see. She said she would be happy to. I can’t wait to see it.

Several of our authors have stories in the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” books. They also have articles in widely published magazines. These people are really quite amazing.

When I think about the Quills of Faith meetings I realize that this is sort of like our own Olympics training, except we are striving for published books and articles rather than medals.

So, I guess the principle is the same. Whoever works the hardest is the most successful. Of course talent also plays an important part in the race, but I truly believe that hard work and dedication will make us winners.

Now I have to ask myself, do I have what it takes to be a champion? Where do I spend most of my time, in front of the television, or in front of the computer working on my book? Do I want it badly enough? Do I have that Olympic drive?

I hope so.

1 comment:

Hannah Prewett (beastsbelle) said...

Great post, Janice! :) Just the kick in the pants I needed before my writing day tomorrow. Have a great night! I'll have that email to you by Friday...it may be Friday afternoon, but it will be in your inbox. ;)