Tuesday, June 17, 2014


For years I have wanted to collect souvenirs from places I traveled to, but I didn’t want a cupboard full of coffee mugs that no one would ever see. Too often your souvenirs just become clutter and dust collectors.

Then one day I discovered thimbles. If you read my post from 11-12-13 called Little Souvenirs, you will find out how I got started collecting them. Kind of a fun story.

They take up very little space and can be displayed for all of your friends and visitors to see.

I have brought them home from all over California, Oregon, Montana, England, Wales, and Scotland. People have brought them to me from Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Florida, Hawaii, Paris, Amsterdam and Jamaica, to name a few. When people find out you collect them they tend to want to add to your collection. I believe it makes them feel like they are part of something fun.

Some of our close friends just came back from a cruise to Europe and they had six new thimbles for me. I now have added to my treasure trove thimbles from Berlin Russia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, and a second thimble from Amsterdam. On their next cruise they will be going all over Asia. I will be getting thimbles from China, Japan and who knows where else. I can hardly wait.

Some people might see my thimbles as silly, but to me each one is a unique treasure. It represents a place, an experience and a friend who brought it back to me. There are no two alike, just like no two of the memories they represent are alike. I wish you all could see them.

As you probably know, I am a Christian children’s book author. I also write poetry. In fact, that is what I wrote first.

To me, every time I write something it is a treasure. It is exciting to create an experience that I am bringing to my friends. It is unique. No one else has written exactly what I just put into words.

Some people might not understand it. They might think it is silly, but others will love it. There is an expression, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”. In other words, we are all different. Nothing pleases everyone, but everything pleases someone.

If you are a writer, don’t try to please everyone. You can’t do it. Write in a way that pleases you. If you do that I guaranty you that you please at least some people.

When I show my book to people some of them just look at it and give me a condescending smile, but others go crazy over it. I have had to learn to let it go when someone does no appreciate what I have done.

Whether you write, paint, do magic tricks, or dance, share your art with people who will see it for the treasure it is. Do not be discouraged by the ones who don’t get it.

Whatever you do it is a treasure, it is your treasure. Enjoy it and keep sharing it.

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